Finding Normal

We are now 3+ weeks post-amputation and Ray continues to do well. His stitches are out and the incision is getting close to being indistinguishable. He hops around happily with few problems or obstacles.

My concern at this point has become his thyroid levels. He has been on thyroid medication since we adopted him. His meds were upped just before the tumor incident, and he’s now showing signs of hyperthyroidism – agitation, excessive drinking and urination, heavy breathing – so we’re doing a test tomorrow. Now that his other habits are pretty much back to normal I’ve noticed these types of things are not righting themselves…which could also be an explanation as to why his heart rate elevated prior to the first attempted amputation surgery. We’ll see. He’s also returned to chewing at himself, which was a definite challenge before. Hotspots, etc. I guess I should be grateful for the return to “normal” but it seems like we’re re-defining normal all the time.

It’s ok, though. Overall, things have been good and we’re certainly grateful. Best wishes to all of our friends who have been supporting us through this continuous journey.