The Telltale Tongue

When we were considering Ray for adoption back in August 2009, his foster mommy told us that in her experience, the Goldens with the best personalities would often let their tongues loll out the side of their mouth. I tend to agree!

Hoping this finds everyone well.

Wuff and hugs,

Ray and Mommy

4 thoughts on “The Telltale Tongue”

  1. CUTE picture and pup! My Adelaide hangs her tongue out the side of her mouth too (she’s a goofy husky).

  2. Awwwww Ray….Adorable!! Thank you for making us all smile today!

    I’m going t the mirror right now and see if I can make my tongue roll out of the side of my mouth!!:-) 🙂 🙂
    ………………I’m back! Nope, it doesn’t roll!!!

    You take car sweet not! That personality is bringing a wonderful light to this earth!:-) 🙂

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Ray just seems to love to have his picture taken! I see he has the trademark black spot on his tongue also — my second golden had that and someone told me it meant something special — don’t remember what, but it was something special.

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