Surgery on Tuesday

Well, we’ve rescheduled Ray’s surgery for this coming Tuesday. It was supposed to be Thursday the 23rd, but he’s been in a terrible amount of pain lately so we were able to get an earlier slot. We’ve upped his Tramadol dosage quite a bit (under the vet’s supervision, of course) and are just trying to keep him relatively comfortable. Will be so glad when this is over with and Ray is (hopefully) on the road to recovery.

12 thoughts on “Surgery on Tuesday”

  1. Ray, I’m going to be sending you positive thoughts and good wishes for Tuesday. You need to get in there, get that leg off, and get on the road to recovery!! I know your parents are taking super good care of you. Just hang in there for a few more days, and you’ll feel so much better! Stay strong buddy!!

  2. Hopefully no complications this time and he has a speedy recovery. Sending positive thoughts and prayers.
    Kathy & Harley

  3. Thanks for all the positive wishes. Labs, I’m intending to share post-op pictures – I was worried about upsetting people, but I guess this is a pretty seasoned audience as far as amputations go. (I know seeing my baby boy with staples in his shoulder and a missing leg is going to be terribly upsetting for us at first…)

  4. Best of luck to Ray!! Glad to hear you were able to move the surgery up. Its almost been a month for Guinness’ amputation and he is already going on short walks and wanting to play catch. Best of luck on your surgery and look forward to updates.

  5. Hmmm, you would be surprised at how not-upsetting it can be. You will be so excited to see him that the happiness of the moment may just cause you to forget. Seriously. I thought it might bother me, but the moment I saw him he was smiling, ears back and soooo happy to see me that the missing leg was not really an issue. After a minute I did think about it so I looked down, he looked down, I put my hand very gently on the bandage and then I looked him in eyes, smiled and said “oh, baby boy, you are so beautiful” and I meant it and he knew it. We never looked back. Ray may not understand every word you speak, but I believe with all my heart that they sense our feelings. Be strong, tell him it’s okay, and he will believe you.

  6. Thanks Zeus, I needed to hear/read that. Seeing how much pain Ray is in now, how depressed he is, I just want him to be happy again and if this is what it takes, then so be it. The next four days are going to be so long…

  7. Hang in there. This next four days will be tough but then Ray can have his surgery and get rid of that horrible leg. We will be praying that everything goes OK this time.

  8. Good luck Ray! I’m glad you got the surgery moved up, that’s a lot less worry for your peeps. I hope the next few days are spent with less pain and more special moments as you all prepare for your next part of your journey. We are right there with you my friend. Rest up. xoxo

  9. I’m sorry… I really didn’t mean pictures after surgery… I just meant more pictures of your dog in general so we can have him in mind when we are thinking about him in the next few days and weeks.

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