Great News

Just got word from the doctor that Ray’s surgery is complete and went very well. No evidence of tumor spread beyond where it was in his (former) elbow. He’ll probably stay at the hospital for two nights; if so, I’ll visit him tomorrow.

Thanks again to everyone for thoughts and prayers. Now we move on to recovery!

9 thoughts on “Great News”

  1. Great news!! Now you can think about him recovering and finding his new normal. So happy to hear that it went as planned. That’s always a great phone call to get. Thinking about you guys!

    All our Best
    Suzie and Rizzo

  2. Whew! What a relief! So glad to hear all went well and that Ray will be recovering soon. Wishing many happy times ahead for you both. You’ll have to get him his very own “Tripawds Rule!” bandanna to wear! 🙂

  3. Wonderful!! Seriously, if I can offer one piece of advise: Get as much sleep as possible between now and Ray’s return home. Most likely he will not need you, but paranoia causes you to wake up at the smallest movement and you will be so sleep deprived after a week or so. Best of luck with recovery!

    1. Thank you, everyone. It’s been wonderful to finally be able to share good news for a change.

      Zeuspod, that is great advice. We’ll most likely be picking Ray up from the hospital on Friday, so we’ll have a full weekend of sleep deprivation, which is just fine with us! I have actually spent the last several nights sleeping lightly and listening for his “anxiety chirp.” It’s funny, even though I’ve never had human children, the same kind of maternal instincts kick in as a pet parent.

      It feels very strange to look around and not see my “Ray-Ray” next to me. I work from home full-time, and we are normally constant companions. I miss him terribly and am SO looking forward to having my cheerful, sweet boy back…pain-free.

  4. Great news! Samdog is sending his Golden love from AZ. He heads in tomorrow morning for his surgery, so it keeps us light to hear Ray is doing so well. Keep us posted.

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